Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lyric Speak and ABCs

It’s been a while.  Mostly because the schools are on spring break, so we don’t have any sessions this week.  I’ve also been quite busy with other endeavors. 

Melissa came over last week and brought a cool food chart that she made.  She laminated pictures of different foods that Lyric eats and gave us 2 charts.  One has spots for all the foods so we can stick them on there and ask her to show us specific foods.  The other has two spots, and the word “or” between them, so that we can use it to let her pick which foods she wants to eat.  She has been quite a bit more vocal about what she does and doesn’t want to eat, so opening the cupboards for her is getting marginally easier.  She will say “No, thank you,” or “No, I don’t want that,” if we offer her something that isn’t to her liking.  She also actually asks for the things she does know how to say, like cheese or hot dogs.  Small progress, but still progress!

Another thing that occurred when Melissa was over was what we call Lyric Speak.  Lyric babbles a lot.  It’s not just inane babble, either.  She is very clearly saying what she thinks are words, or conversation pieces.  She will look to us for response sometimes, and it’s difficult because we have no idea what she is trying to say.  She will get frustrated if we don’t guess correctly.  I’m not sure if it’s an issue with her hearing, or if it’s because her speech is developing so quickly that she just can’t figure out how to form the words that she wants to say, or what it could be.  She really never did the “Lyric Speak” thing at previous speech sessions, so why she chose to bust it out at this one is a mystery.  It is nice that Melissa got to see it though, because it is another thing that she can help us with (I hope). 

I’ve been slacking a bit on recording the activities we do lately.  We did an Easter Egg hunt this past Saturday.  The weather was awesome, and once I showed her what was going on, she had a blast.  I’m thinking that I need to make other scavenger hunts for her, like maybe one for her birthday next month.  Obviously she’s too young to do one with clues to follow, but as long as we hid objects in semi-obvious places, I think she would enjoy looking for them.  The number of apps on the iPad continues to grow, and she parrots the vast majority of them.  Right now her favorite is Elmo’s ABCs (she REALLY likes C because it has cookie).  We’re going to have to buy her the full version of that one when I get paid next week, because the current one we have only has 3 letters to play with.  She traces the letters on it, which is super exciting to me because it’s another thing she is learning how to do!

Not sure when we’re going to be able to get around to potty training.  I might give it a serious go over Memorial Day weekend because I’ll have 3 days off where I can focus on her.  She’s been telling us when she needs to be changed (she points to her butt and says poop), so I’m really hoping it might be successful this time around. 

So that’s basically the current “Goings On”.  We actually have two visits next week: occupational therapy, and speech.  Hopefully sometime soon I will find out about her transition in to preschool – where has time gone?!

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