Thursday, June 20, 2013

Birthdays and Parameters

Lyric's 3rd birthday party was on June 8th.  I would like to say it was a huge success - but I'm biased.  The theme was Pocoyo, and this year we had it in our back yard instead of going to a local park.  She got so many awesome gifts, including a new pool, an 8 in 1 play structure for the yard, a personalized outfit, and a Doc McStuffins doctor kit (which she carries everywhere like I carry my purse).  There were other kids there to play with, and I think overall everyone enjoyed themselves.

On to the more exciting news.  Lyric has had a bit of a language explosion.  In the past few weeks we have noticed a huge change in her expressing herself.  If we ask her a yes or no question, she answers appropriately.  If she wants something else on TV, she tells us what she wants.  If she wants a certain food to eat, she will say it by name, or at least say "That one!" when we hold it up.  She says "Yay! I did it!" or "Yay! We did it!" when certain tasks are accomplished.  She asked me once if I was going potty when she came into the bathroom with me.  If she wants Travis to come lay in bed with her, she will ask Dada to go night-night.  The best part of it is now she also randomly runs up to us, hugs us, and says "I love you."  We're able to have more and more conversations with her, and more and more things are going from being in "Lyricese" to being understandable.  She still has a long way to go, but it looks like she may have already met one of her IEP goals already.

I e-mailed her coordinators to find out what the parameters are for considering the goal met.  They will be evaluating her once the school year starts so they have an idea of where she is at, because the vocabulary and setting are different in school than they are at home.  I'm a little worried that because the people and the school will be new that she will be shy, and not as vocal as she is at home where she is comfortable - but I know they will be watching her on a daily basis, so if that happens she should get more vocal as she gets more comfortable.  It's a small light at the end of the tunnel, and I am encouraged that maybe - just maybe - we might even be able to address potty training soon.  I have a 4 day weekend coming up in July.  I might try again then.  We will see.

The party set up before people started arriving

 Checking Uncle Chris' blood pressure

 Pocoyo cake!

 The Odd Couple out for a drive


  Making use of the new toys

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