Monday, July 1, 2013

Other Awesome Things

In addition to being lively and more talkative, Lyric has recently been drawing more 'recognizable' things.  Yesterday we were doodling on her dry erase easel, and she drew a head with eyes, a nose, a neck, and she (sort of) added hair.  I was a little surprised, because usually the name of her game is to just excitedly scribble.  She asked me to erase it, so I did - after I took a picture with my phone.  She then drew what looked exactly like a balloon, and called it a balloon - but when I went to take a picture, she started scribbling next to it.  It was actually somewhat exciting because she's never really taken much of an interest in drawing actual objects before.  I think she just likes to see the scribbles come out onto the board. 

 The Balloon (plus scribbles)

 Trying to scribble while I take a picture

The face.  I think she was trying to do hair and add a mouth in one fell swoop.  Didn't quite work out.  

After she finished doodling, she was saying random letters, so I started drawing the ones she was saying on the white board.  She was able to identify A, E, I, O, and U.  She also was able to identify the numbers 1 - 10.  She can identify and draw the letter L, which is important given her name.  I know it doesn't seem like much, especially to those who have kids her age that are on a normal level - but the amount she has advanced in the past month never ceases to amaze me.  I'm so excited for her to start preschool, because I really think she is going to be like a little sponge and soak everything in really quickly.  It doesn't take her long to learn things when you show them to her.  I think her progress will be quick.

And as I was typing this, Travis called and let her have the phone on her ear and she said "Hi mommy, I love you."  Day. made.

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