Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ugh, Homework

Travis had the first official "Project Impact" session this past Tuesday.  It wasn't horribly exciting, or all that different from a normal speech session.  However, we now have an official "Project Impact" binder, and *insert ominous music* homework.  It's nothing overly difficult or taxing, but the mention of homework strikes fear into many a heart regardless.

The homework consists of putting together a specific box of 5 toys that will only be played with when we're implementing the Project Impact learning ideas.  The toys are supposed to be ones that she plays with semi-regularly, but can also be used for social engagement.  They chose a blanket for swinging, a ball, a baby doll, tea set items/eating utensils, and music instruments.

For 20 minutes a day, we're supposed to use these toys to engage Lyric and try to both encourage her to initiate social play, as well as expand on her vocabulary.  We're to directly engage her by sitting across from her, making eye contact, and putting ourselves into whatever game she chooses to play.  Some of the methods to use include "Playful obstruction" - where we prevent her from doing what she wants to do in a playful manner, to force her to request (with words) that we allow her to continue.  We're also supposed to expand on anything that she says.  So if she asks us to "Sit!" to play, we're to say "Sit down please" or "Mama sit down" to try to teach her that this is how we want her to speak and engage.

It doesn't sound like much, and we haven't had an opportunity to really test it out because everyone in the house is fighting some kind of plague, but we were told that this would be baby steps - and I'm fairly confident that it's something that will work with Lyric based on what little of it we have tried so far.  I'm anxious to really give it a go this weekend when I have more time available.

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